Thursday, November 15, 2007

Civil rights-posted Sept. 21

I think the reporting on the Jena 6 story was good but I would have like to see the other side of the situation. I mean how does the white community feel since the town is predominately white, where are their voices. I did see a story where a reporter talked to the guy that got beat up parents but I want to here form him also since he was the victim. Also I think the Jena 6 should have gotten more coverage than it did. The media covered O.J. Simpson it seems more than Jena 6 and so it makes it seem that celebrities are more important than racial issues still showing up in the year 2007. I don't think so. There is still racial discrimination existing and not just in Jena, Louisiana but all across the United States. We need to know more about these issues and be informed of not just some but all and in great detail, like if the story was about a celebrity.
September 21, 2007 2:44 PM

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